See all abstracts here
Please click here to find the speakers instructions for oral and poster presentations.
Please make sure to send your presentation no later than 8 November.
Abstract submission is now closed.Thank you for all your contributions.
EGC welcomes a broad range of abstracts on bereavement and grief-related topics with a focus on research, education/policy or practice. For the 2024 conference we especially welcome abstracts on suicide bereavement which will be curated into dedicated parallel sessions.
January 11th Call Open
April 19th Submission deadline
June 3rd Acceptance Notification
Presentation types
- Oral presentation (15 – 20 minutes)
- Poster presentation. Dimension for Posters for EGC:
- For A0 poster (portrait only) - 841 mm wide, 1189 mm high - Posters are to be applied to the poster boards using velcro tabs only which are supplied on site
- Workshop presentation (Interactive workshop arranged around a bereavement theme with an emphasis on sharing, engaging and discussion (60-90 minutes)
Abstract proposal requirements
Max 350 words (excluding title), including references
The abstract proposal should explain the topic of your presentation, and describe why the material, research, practice, or policy is important to the field of bereavement and grief in a European context.
Abstracts should include the following headings:
- Title
- Background
- Rationale
- Design
- Results
- Conclusion.
List at least three but no more than five references.
For interactive workshops please provide a narrative description, including the following headings:
- Bereavement or grief theme
- Background, including any collaborations
- Purpose or aim of the workshop
- Target audience
- Proposed activities
- Opportunity for interaction
List at least three but no more than five references.
Indicate on your abstract submission the preferred type of presentation
- Oral presentation
- Poster presentation
- Workshop
Indicate the type of focus
- Research: for example, presentation of original research findings, how they offer a new perspective or inform or link to existing research and theory.
- Practice: for example, describing a promising new and innovative intervention or program, including experiential activities.
- Policy/Education: for example, describing a new bereavement-related policy or initiative, or law
Indicate if your abstract relates to
- grief in society (Level 0)
- the universal experience of grief (Level 1)
- providing services in a volunteer/community space (Level 2)
- complex and complicated grief (Level 3)
Presenter information
The following information should be submitted for the presenter(s):
First name, last name, highest degree/designation, affiliation, country, e-mail address.
If your abstract is accepted, you will be asked to submit a brief biographical statement for the book of published abstracts.
Review process
Abstract proposals will be evaluated through a blind peer review process. The review will look at the clarity of content, quality and rigour, interest, and usefulness of content to conference attendees, relationship to the Bereavement Network Europe’s mission and to the Grief Conference vision and purpose. Priority will be given to abstracts using European data.
The abstract review committee reserve the right to make the final determination regarding the classification of your presentation in terms of the focus (research, practice, policy/education) and relevant track (Level 0 – 3)